Entrepreneurship Programs
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Entrepreneurship Programs
In today’s highly dynamic, interconnected world, the need for entrepreneurial thinkers at all levels of society has never been greater. Policymakers from the White House to the World Economic Forum recognize entrepreneurial thinking as an essential life skill for anyone to thrive in the 21st Century.
From preparing students to become workforce-ready graduates or next-generation innovators to elevating the entrepreneurial thinking of the existing workforce, an entrepreneurial mindset exposes opportunities, ignites ambition, and fosters the attitudes and skills that can empower anyone to succeed.

The program is designed to inspire and engage participants in the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset as an essential life skill. The program draws upon eight fundamental concepts of entrepreneurial thought and process.

Small businesses have become the engines that are now driving our economy with new
businesses accounting for nearly all net new job creation. Yet the concept of entrepreneurship is not well understood and many lack the necessary...

Employers are increasingly demanding an innovative and entrepreneurial workforce
seeking individuals with critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, and other entrepreneurial skills.

An entrepreneurial mindset isn’t just for entrepreneurs. And, an entrepreneurial mindset can be developed and enhanced through entrepreneurial learning experiences within organizations.

Organizations have implemented the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program (Small Business Edition) to develop an entrepreneurial mindset needed to create entrepreneurial culture in communities and grow economies.

Government agencies offer the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program as a leadership and workforce development program to develop the entrepreneurial mindset in their leaders and employees.

Nonprofit organizations offer the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program as a leadership and staff development program to develop the entrepreneurial mindset in their leaders and employees.

The Ice House Entrepreneurship Program is offered to instill an entrepreneurial mindset in offenders. Ice House is also offered as a leadership and staff development program for leaders and employees in corrections.