IEEIS is revolutionary, optimizing engagement, unleashing potential through entrepreneurial education and training. In collaboration with the Entrepreneurial Mindset Development Program (ELI, Inc. USA) and 100Steps2Startup Canada, IEEIS is redefining entrepreneurship.

Phone:+1(281) 891 5087


The Hidden Science Behind Persistence

Throughout this eight-part series, I have attempted to describe core concepts distilled from my observations and analysis of “unlikely” entrepreneurs. My intention was to tease out the common and replicable factors that anyone could embrace. Among those observations was what appeared to be an almost Herculean ability to persist through a mind-boggling array of challenges, setbacks, […]

Diversity and Racial Justice in Entrepreneurial Mindset Education

An entrepreneurial mindset can unlock anyone’s potential. However, the path towards fulfillment does not look the same for everyone. How do white and non-black educators promote self-empowerment through entrepreneurship without invalidating the lived experiences of Black and Brown students and entrepreneurs? How do we acknowledge the reality of systemic racism, while teaching about the benefits of an […]

Online Classrooms, An Opportunity for Entrepreneurial Learning

As technology and global economies advance and change, education must adapt to prepare our students for an uncertain future. Meanwhile, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of these adaptations are becoming all the more relevant and important. Providing “space” for learning, unlearning, and relearning is already a difficult task, but it can feel […]

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